
Our Services Overview

신뢰할 수 있는 풍부한 경험의 전문가


FRA는 포렌식을 이용한 회계부정조사 시 최첨단의 데이터 마이닝 기법을 접목하여 고객사가 효과적으로 국가간 조사, 소송을 처리하고 컴플라이언스 리스크를 완화할 수 있도록 지원합니다. FRA는 대규모의 복잡한 거래 데이터 및 비정형 데이터 분석에 전문성을 보유하며, 이를 바탕으로 GAAP 준수여부, 기업 내부 통제 및 컴플라이언스 요건 부합도를 평가합니다. 회계 부정, 뇌물 수수 및 부정부패 방지 조사, 규제당국 조사, …

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기업이 규제 준수 프로그램을 객관적으로 평가하고 개선하여 규제 당국 및 이해관계자와의 신뢰를 회복할 수 있도록 지원하기 위해 독립 모니터를 임명하는 기관이 많아지고 있습니다. 모니터를 선정하든, 모니터링을 위한 포렌식 고문을 선정하든, 양측 모두 최고 기준을 인증하는데 필요한 투명성과 엄격성에 대한 경험을 갖춘 권위 있는 전문가와 협력할 수 있어야 합니다. FRA의 전문 통합 팀은 모니터링의 모든 단계에서 …

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FRA는 강력한 포렌식 기술, 복잡한 개념을 명확하게 전달할 수 있는 전략 컨설턴트, 증거의 강점과 약점 및 반대 의견을 파악하는 전문 주제 및 업계 전문가를 결합하여 법률 전략을 강화할 수 있습니다. FRA의 글로벌 전문가 팀은 세계 최대 전문 서비스 기업, 포츈 500대 기업 및 FTSE 100대 기업과 관련된 다양한 소송에 참여해 왔습니다. 은행, 보험사, 투자자, 회계법인, …

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당사는 30개국 이상에서 규정준수 평가 및 검토를 수행한 경험을 갖고 있습니다. 뇌물과 부정부패, 자금세탁, 통상제한과 제재 남용, 회계부정과 자산횡령 등 관련된 리스크 평가를 수행한 경험을 활용하여 국제적인 벤치마크 지표와 매핑된 맞춤형 위험평가 프레임워크를 개발하였습니다. 이를 활용하여 고객의 복잡한 회계와 내부통제, 감사, 규제 이슈에 적절히 대응하고 화이트 칼러 범죄에 대한 방어와 배상 문제, 소송, 당국의 규제에 …

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eDiscovery 및 eDisclosure

데이터는 모든 비지니스와 조직 업무의 핵심입니다. 실태 파악에 있어 데이터는 조직의 업종, 규모, 위치에 관계없이 필수적인 요소입니다. 당사의 e-Discovery 컨설턴트는 여러 분야의 팀과 협력하여 20년 이상 다양한 유형의 문제에 대해 고객에게 자문을 제공해 왔습니다. 또한 전 세계 당국과 법원은 AI 및 머신러닝과 같은 새로운 기술의 핵심적인 역할을 주목하고 있습니다. FRA의 전문가들은 법률 및 규제 요건을 …

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Data and Technology

포렌식을 이용한 회계부정조사 시 최첨단의 데이터 마이닝 기법을 접목하여 고객이 효과적으로 국가간 조사, 소송을 처리하고 컴플라이언스 리스크를 완화할 수 있도록 지원합니다. FRA는 대규모의 복잡한 거래성 데이터 및 비정형 데이터 분석에 전문성을 보유하고 있으며 회계 부정, 뇌물 수수 및 부정부패 방지 조사, 규제당국 조사, 제재, 자금세탁 방지 등 다양한 분야와 접목하여 고객이 이슈를 대응할 수 있도록 …

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Anti-Money Laundering & Sanctions

Our financial services experts have worked extensively with financial institutions, multi-national organizations and their counsel on a range of matters relating to money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions. We have hands-on experience supporting investigations and helping assess, develop and operationalize financial crime risk management arrangements.

We have a broad footprintof cross-discipline experts who work alongside our forensic accountants ,financial analysts, software engineers, and eDiscovery and data analytics experts to deliver tailored services to our clients. Our team also includes several Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS).

Helping clients respond effectively and thoroughly to, regulatory subpoenas or serious whistle blowing allegations to developing a bespoke compliance program framework, mapped against all leading international benchmarks, we have the expertise, anywhere in the world.

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Audit and Accounting Advisory

Our market leading regulatory and audit advisory services team offers expert guidance to companies, executives and public accounting firms. We leverage decades of combined experience of our forensic accounting, data analytics and investigations experts to help clients address their most complex accounting, auditing and regulatory issues. Our global presence, cross-border experience, and multilingual team, allow us to take our expertise world-wide.

Our team is known in the industry for providing credible, independent analysis, and has extensive experience successfully presenting our findings to regulators.

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Bribery and Corruption

As internationally recognized specialists in multi-jurisdictional investigations, we bring a high level of confidence to clients facing serious issues by providing clear, robust, and candid advice that is trusted by clients, regulators, courts, and enforcement agencies.

Our leaders and team members include professionals with regulatory body and law enforcement agency experience including individuals who have worked for the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO), US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

We use best-in-class technologies and specialists to provide early insights, navigate complex jurisdictional challenges and integrate seamlessly with our project teams.

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Environmental, Social and Governance

For more than 20 years, we have been putting these core values into practice every day through our work to promote ethical business practices and root-out corruption and fraud around the globe.

When faced with allegations with the potential to derail business, particularly in new or unfamiliar regulatory fields like ESG, companies need advisors that can quickly help you discern the relevant facts and chart an approach.

Our forensic investigators employ a risk-based analytical approach to help global companies and counsel investigate and respond. We confidently and quickly prioritize the critical focus areas of an investigation by identifying data points that present the highest compliance risks for review.

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For over 20 years, our professionals been helping clients and their counsel investigate complex fraud. We help find the truth amidst vast collections of data, drawing on first-hand experience of what authorities look for to uncover wrong doing and also target client’s key risk areas to minimize reoccurrence.

Our client teams bring together forensic accountants, forensic data analytics, digital forensics and data governance experts in order to leverage the specialist, technical skills required to tackle the large amounts of data often involved in today’s corporate fraud cases. Having multi-disciplinary teams allows us to give clients insight into the data that matters, frequently identifying anomalous, problematic dealings amidst massive volumes of structured and unstructured data.

We have earned clients’ trust over years of supporting some of the world’s most high profile corporate fraud-related matters

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Forensic Accounting

As internationally recognized specialists in multi-jurisdictional investigations, we bring a high level of confidence to clients facing serious issues by providing clear, robust, and candid advice that is trusted by clients, regulators, courts, and enforcement agencies.

We do this by combining forensic accounting and investigative experience with cutting edge data mining technology to help our clients effectively handle cross-border investigations, litigation and compliance objectives.

Unlike traditional accounting firms, we operate purely in the forensic space and generally have no conflicts.

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Data Analytics

Our expertise in complex data analytics, information technology, and data management lies at the core of our foundation. Our data analytics experts help our clients and their counsel respond to and resolve business critical matters by analyzing and making sense of disparateand complex datasets to deliver insights at speed.

With data centers around the world and a full-service Mobile Discovery Solution offering a scalable end-to-end mobile processing and review platform, we are able to seamlessly integrate our data analytics team with our forensic accounting team to ensure an empirical approach to solving client problems and offer creative analytical and visualization solutions tailored to client needs.

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Data Governance

The past half dozen years have seen a clear emergence of conflicting global trends affecting data privacy protection. These all place strict limitations on the transfer of data across national borders, with increasingly severe criminal penalties and civil fines for violations, making cross-border eDiscovery particularly challenging.

We work in partnership with in-house and external counsel to offer customized discovery workflow design, management and reporting. We support and advise clients when categorizing the scope, identifying volume, and preparing a defensible eDiscovery strategy to meet legal and regulatory requirements.

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